Unleash your potential


Thaddeus Erby

Take the First Step and Achieve Your Goals with Confidence

Holistic Support

Health Coaching

Embark on a journey towards your most authentic self with our unparalleled health coaching services. Our personalized guidance will allow you to shake off mental, physical, and spiritual cobwebs. Whether you're seeking clarity in dietary decisions, navigating your fitness journey, or striving for general personal growth, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Attention Consulting

Discover a more efficient, focused you with Attention-Based Consulting. We are committed to teaching you how to navigate a world in which every large corporation is competing for your attention. Whether you’re doom-scrolling in your spare time or not able to find time to work on your goals, we’ll develop a plan allowing you to conquer your mental bandwidth.

Side Effects of Non-Productive Screen time may include:

Increased Anxiety


Lack of Motivation


Low Self Confidence


Difficulty in Social Situations




Poor Health


Low Energy


Decreased Ability to Focus


Shortened Attention Span


Ocular Damage


Increased Anxiety 〰️ Lack of Motivation 〰️ Low Self Confidence 〰️ Difficulty in Social Situations 〰️ Complacency 〰️ Poor Health 〰️ Low Energy 〰️ Decreased Ability to Focus 〰️ Shortened Attention Span 〰️ Ocular Damage 〰️

Who I Am

My name is Thaddeus Erby and I’m a Health/Attention Coach based in Denver, Colorado – a hub of the health and fitness world. Essentially, my services are meant to aid individuals in taking control of their attention, physical health, and mental health in a world so attached to immediate gratification at the expense of our wellbeing. In order to provide alternatives to Big Pharma, I illuminate the power of functional medicine — how our minds and bodies have the ability to heal themselves through exercise, breathework, cold exposure, meditation, etc. Basically I prescribe habits, workouts, dietary changes, and minute lifestyle changes based on my clients’ goals. We also tackle issues with videogame/social media addiction and chronic stress.

Ultimately, I promote a preventative lifestyle. I believe that taking care of our body and mind will allow us to detach from technology, social media, and the ego, ultimately allowing us to ride the tsunami of innovation that will continue to flood the world for generations. It’s important to be able to adapt to a world that is evolving faster than our bodies ever could.

My brand is called First Generation Cyborg because I am a part of the first generation of people who grew up with smartphones and social media during their formative years. Essentially, we grew up attached to our smartphones, hence the term “Cyborg”. I don’t demonize technology at all, in fact it’s an inevitable and useful part of our evolution as human beings – although, we share the bodies of our ancestors, the hunter-gatherers. Technology/social media can be detrimental to our attention, mind, and body simply because we evolved over millions of years without it. We are at our healthiest and most lucid when we operate like a hunter gatherer. For example, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle is key in staying healthy and many people don’t know where to start making these lifestyle changes. That's where I come in.

41% of American teenagers (13-18) have an average screen time of 9 hours per day

Discover your way to holistic health and complete wellbeing with my ebook. Get your free copy with purchase of any package!

“The successful warrior is the average man with laser-like focus.”

— Bruce Lee
